Exclusively authorized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE), we provide the Shenzhen market data service to domestic and overseas clients for usage and/or distribution purpose. Market data can be provided under various license arrangements as below to meet your different business requirements.

Real-time Data
Real-time Data
Real-time Level 1 and Level 2 data licensing service as well as the direct connection service.

Historical Tick Data
Historical Tick Data
Reliable, Accurate, Timely.
Help strategy backtesting & historical analysis.

Delayed Data
Delayed Data
At least 15-min delayed Level 1 or Level 2 market data of all securities listed on SZSE.

EOD Data
EOD Data
End-of-day market data mean the closing price information after the market closes at 3pm, specifically including security code, short name, closing price, high/low, share outstanding.
Trading Calendar
Trading Day
Non-trading Day